It's no longer available on French sites, but it's impossible to wipe it from all foreign sites too. It was only a few years after it came out that a gay rights association took legal action against us. We launched this game a long time ago and it worked very well. Jean Christophe Calvet runs the Uzinagaz site, which launched the game 'Watch out behind you, hunter'. “Not everyone in the gay community was supportive of banning the game” Is this their (un-)‘orthodox' way of bringing up children by creating an image of an enemy (= gays) and teaching how to deal with it (= kill them)?' Global Voices quoted the latter as being 'completely disgusted', finding it particularly shocking that the concept was adopted by 'those religious-minded people in Tbilisi, Georgia, who swear in the name of Georgian patriarchy and constantly cite Bible to ‘justify' their homophobia and hatred. The game ( available here), was initially picked up and slated by the Gay Caucasus blog, shortly followed by Gay Armenia. The idea of the online game - to shoot nudists, before they b**ger you, was created by a Frenchman. A video game hosted by a Georgian website is causing outrage in the gay rights community.